If you intend to replace your own clutch, you’ll need to remove the drive shaft and disassemble the transmission to get to it. While a clutch replacement is within the scope of a home repair for a knowledgeable car owner, it is one of the most complex auto repair jobs that can be done at home. Consult your owner’s manual to find your manufacturer’s recommendations on clutch lifespan. Newer cars perform even better, and clutches that are good for 80,000 or even 100,000 miles are relatively common today. Virtually all clutches should be good for at least 50,000 miles in normal operation. in a truck that hauls heavy loads) the clutch may wear out in as little as 35,000 miles. If the power train is subjected to heavy strains on a regular basis, (e.g. The friction between the clutch plate and the flywheel will wear the plate down over time, though. Like most parts of your car, the clutch is designed for maximum durability. Without being held in place, the clutch disc loses contact and stops spinning, breaking the linkage. Depressing the clutch pedal causes the springs holding the clutch disc against the flywheel to relax.

Friction between the two parts forms a solid connection and the engine’s motion is transmitted to the transmission. no pressure on the clutch pedal) the clutch disc is forced against the flywheel by powerful springs. The clutch connects to your engine via the engine’s flywheel. While automatic transmissions have much more clutches, they still have the same basic parts doing the same basic job. Since your engine is always running, even when your wheels aren’t turning, your clutch has to be able to both link and separate. The clutch’s job is linking your car’s engine to its transmission. We will also cover the average clutch replacement cost in detail which can run from $200 if you do it yourself all the way to over $1,000 if a mechanics help is required. When it finally stops working properly, though, it makes the car difficult or impossible to drive! If you want to know how the clutch works, what makes it so important and how you can adjust it yourself, simply read on.
The clutch is one of the most vital parts of your car.